Self-Managed Super Funds

Cut through the complexities by appointing us to set up a complying Self Managed Super Fund for you. No admin, no fuss. Maximum flexibility, controlled by trustees…

Our SMSF Trust Deeds are trusts established by the creation of a trust deed, as directed by you, as we cannot provide advice regarding whether or not to establish a fund. The trustees control the fund, making all investment decisions in accordance with the SMSF investment strategy. Other benefits of an SMSF Trust Deed include:

Individual or trustees or a corporate trustee Contributions from all sources – superannuation guarantee contributions, employer contributions, employee voluntary (personal) contributions, contributions by self-employed, Government super co-contribution. The transfer of some or all of your existing superannuation into your SMSF. Full flexibility in investments, including in shares and property. Death benefit nominations – binding and non-binding. Seamless conversion from accumulation to pension, including the transition to retirement pension.

SMSF Accounting and Taxation

Our accountants will guide you through the minefield of legislative and compliance requirements so your SMSF achieves the best possible outcome. All SMSF trustees are required to have financial statements prepared, lodge income tax returns, and other relevant statements with the ATO each year.